Toronto, ON

Environmental 360 Solutions Logo without Slogan

Dear Valued Customer,

Environmental 360 Solution Ltd. and its wholly owned subsidiaries (“E360S”), has an ongoing commitment to ensure the health and safety of every worker, sub-contractor, visitor and members of the public remains a top priority. The rapidly evolving coronavirus (COVID-19) situation is unsettling, changing daily life and the operations of many businesses, schools and workplaces.

We at E360S have been actively monitoring news and updates regarding COVID-19 and following the guidelines provided by the World Health Organization and Health Canada, as well as provincial and other local health authorities of the communities we serve in addition to all applicable legislation.

A plan has been put in place and a team is constantly monitoring the latest developments at each location and the surrounding areas we service. Additionally, we have provided hygienic measures based on each particular site along with information and training to all our employees.

We are proactively managing our labour force, pick-up/drop offs, and volumes at each of our locations to ensure we meet your needs. We will continue to provide you with updated communication as the COVID-19 situation continues. These are unprecedented circumstances and we’ll continue to stay vigilant and update our plan and procedures as necessary.

Thank you for you understanding as we continue to strive to be your trusted environmental solutions provider.

Donato Ardellini
Founder, CEO, President

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