Non-destructive method of digging holes using pressurized water and a vacuum system, to quickly and safely expose underground infrastructure.

If your facility produces liquid, sludge or solid byproducts, Environmental 360 Solutions’ vacuum services can provide the safe, reliable and cost-effective disposal solution you’re looking for. Our modern vacuum trucks can pump out liquids, oily water or sludge from a variety of sources, including:
- Surface storage tanks
- Underground waste tanks
- Sumps
- Trenches
- Pits
- Floor drains
- Oil/water separators
- Clarifiers
We have trucks to handle hazardous and non-hazardous materials, including:
- Acids
- Brine
- Caustics
- Drilling mud
- Dust
- Flammables
- Flowback
- Oily water
- Rinse water
- Rock and debris
- Sludge
- Powder
- Others