Chemsol® Products - Environmental 360 Solutions

Chemsol® Products

Chemsol® 300

Chemsol 300 is a heavy duty soluble oil containing high quality additives which will allow easier machining of tough steels. Most important, however, are the extreme pressure additives which result in improved lubricity and hence the ability to perform difficult machining operations such as tapping, threading, chasing, gun drilling and broaching.

Chemsol 300 will offer replace straight oils and increase the cutting speed due to its ability to provide improved cooling. The properties of this coolant make it suitable for use on automatic screw machines. It is ideally suited to machining the tough copper and bronze alloys due to its non-staining characteristics.

Chemsol 300 is typically used at concentrations between 3 – 10% depending on the severity of the operation.

Typical Analysis

Appearance: Light Brown, Oily Liquid
Odour: Mild, Oil
Specific Gravity @ 15° C: .97
pH 5%: 9.3
5% Emulsion: White Opaque, Stable

Chemsol® 200

Chemsol 200 is a high quality, heavy duty soluble oil.

Chemsol 200 is fortified with special synthetic lubricant additives that impart extra heavy film lubricity to the product. The unique film forming ability of the product will improve tool life and finish of the machined parts.

Chemsol 200 is recommended for use with all steels but is especially recommended for non-ferrous and aluminum machining operations.

Chemsol 200 contains no chlorine or sulphurized additives and therefore, will not stain copper bearing metals.

Chemsol 200 contains effective rust inhibiting agents for good corrosion protection of the machined parts.

Chemsol 200 is typically used at concentrations between 3% and 10% in tap water.

Typical Analysis

Appearance: Clear, Straw Colored Liquid
Odour: Mild, Oil
pH 5%: 9.3
5% Emulsion: White Opaque, Stable
Specific Gravity @ 15° C: .95