E360S Founder and CEO Donato Ardellini a winner of the EY Entrepreneur Of The Year 2022 program

Aurora, ON

Donato Ardellini winner of EY Entrepreneur 2022

“This year’s winners have proven they’re unstoppable as they lead with purpose, working towards greater sustainability, inclusivity and helping to create better futures for us all.”

Stephanie Lamont

Seven Ontario businesses that are leading our economic vitality and finding new solutions to the world’s growing challenges have been recognized as EY Entrepreneur Of The Year® 2022 Ontario winners.

Congratulations to our founder and CEO Donato Ardellini for being named a winner! Your laser focus drives us to continue to develop programs to change how we handle waste for good.

As an Ontario winner, Donato Ardellini will compete against his peers from the Pacific, Prairies, Québec and Atlantic regions at the national awards celebration in November 2022, where 10 national winners will be named, including Canada’s EY Entrepreneur Of The Year 2022. 

Official Press Release:
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